Off Cuts

Understanding Coatings: The Science Behind Sheen Variations

In the “Q&A on Coatings” article from ATFA Timber Floors Magazine Issue 52, Phil Holgate of TAMSA International Consulting addresses common queries about coatings. He delves into the mechanism behind heat-induced sheen increase, explaining why the sheen level of a satin or low sheen coating can vary from room to room. Factors like rapid surface drying, sunlight exposure, and temperature differences can affect the sheen. Phil offers practical solutions, such as coating floors before sun exposure and using wet edge extenders, to ensure consistent sheen levels across different areas.

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Preserving Legacy: The Art and Importance of Heritage Parquetry Flooring

In the “Heritage Floors” feature from ATFA Timber Floors Magazine Issue 52, Ivan Kirton of We Love Parquet Wood Floors delves into the significance and preservation of old parquetry flooring. Parquetry wood floors, with their intricate designs and craftsmanship, are an integral part of Australian interior design history. The article emphasizes the importance of conserving these floors, which are tangible reflections of past lifestyles and design aspirations. Ivan also discusses the challenges and methods of preserving such heritage floors, underscoring their value in connecting us to our architectural and cultural past.

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Perfecting the Art of Floor Coating: Understanding Product Coverage

In the “How much is enough?” article from ATFA Timber Floors Magazine Issue 52, Brett Scarpella of Loba Australasia addresses common questions and challenges faced during floor coating. He highlights the importance of understanding product coverage rates and the potential pitfalls of deviating from recommended applications. With advancements in coating technologies, the article emphasizes the need for proper application techniques, considering factors like site conditions, product volume, and curing levels. Brett also touches on the convenience of QR codes on product labels, making technical information easily accessible.

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Journey Through Time: Reflections on Timber Flooring’s Evolution

In the article “The ‘good’ ole days” from ATFA Timber Floors Magazine Issue 52, Peter King of Floorcraft reflects on his journey in the timber flooring industry, spanning over 40 years. He reminisces about the challenges faced by early pioneers, from handcrafted sanding machines to labor-intensive coating techniques. Despite the hurdles, the passion for the craft and the beauty of timber kept them going. Peter emphasizes the evolution of the industry, highlighting the advancements and the invaluable support from associations like ATFA.

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Rethinking Flooring Direction: The Sideways Trend in Timber Installation

In the “Getting Sideways” article from ATFA Timber Floors Magazine Issue 52, Phil Buckley from Mint Floors & Shutters discusses the emerging trend of installing flooring across the short direction of a room, diverging from the traditional method of aligning with the longest run. While this approach can introduce challenges, such as increased lateral expansion pressure, it also offers benefits, especially for floating floors and floors prone to peaking on end joints. Installing floors in this manner can help hide control joints, reduce pressure on end joints, and make pattern repeats less noticeable, offering a fresh perspective on flooring design.

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Precision in Hardwood Flooring: The Art of Timber Drying

In ATFA Timber Floors Magazine Issue 52, Ross Lakin from Parkside emphasizes the importance of patience and meticulous preparation in the hardwood flooring manufacturing process. He reflects on past industry attempts to expedite timber drying, which often led to flooring issues. The article underscores the significance of understanding the drying process, from initial yard drying to kiln drying. Proper monitoring, adherence to best practices, and knowledge sharing within the industry are vital to producing stable, high-quality timber flooring that meets the expectations of all stakeholders, from manufacturers to homeowners.

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Business – Demystifying the ATFA Inspection System

In ATFA Timber Floors Magazine Issue 52, Randy Flierman, ATFA CEO, sheds light on the ATFA Inspection System, a cornerstone of the association’s efforts since 2005 to elevate workmanship and professionalism in the timber flooring industry. The system, which has undergone significant reviews and improvements, aims to ensure industry standards and provide members with feedback on their work. With a focus on continuous improvement, the inspection process involves notifying members of reviews, offering opportunities for resolution, and maintaining transparency and fairness throughout.

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Technical Article – Using adhesive tape with finish systems

In ATFA Timber Floors Magazine Issue 52, Adrian Ayris from Bona discusses the intricacies of using adhesive tape with coated timber floors. While taping is common for marking or painting, challenges arise when the finish system gets removed with the tape. Factors like sanding grit, product volume, site conditions, and curing levels influence adhesion. The article emphasizes the importance of choosing quality low-tack tapes, following manufacturer instructions, minimizing tape duration on the surface, and careful removal. Proper tape application and removal ensure the longevity and aesthetics of timber finishes.

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Project Profile – The Upside Down Floor

In a unique twist, Nadia Warren, an advocate for water-based coatings, took on a project in Brunswick, Victoria, where flooring adorned the ceiling and walls of a Victorian-style home. The client’s eco-conscious vision was realized with hand-selected timber imported from Italy. To protect the timber while maintaining its natural appearance, Intergrain Enviropro Invisible was chosen. This product offered an invisible look, robust protection, and sustainability. Nadia praised its non-drip application, low odor, and easy handling, all while achieving the desired aesthetic.

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From New York to Arcadia, NSW Australia – A Project Profile from ATFA

Lacote Labradors, based in Arcadia, NSW, brought a piece of history to Australia by relocating a 229-year-old New York State Barn built entirely with geometry and wooden pegs. This architectural marvel, originally constructed in 1791, was deconstructed, shipped, and reassembled in just four days. The barn’s flooring, made of aged Hemlock, showcases deep scratches and marks, reflecting its storied past. With the expertise of The Hun Floors and Urethane Coatings, the timber was preserved, retaining its natural, historic charm.

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Central Coast Stunner – A Project Profile from ATFA

In ATFA Timber Floors Magazine Issue 47, Skandi Flooring showcases their expertise with the installation and finishing of a breathtaking waterfront home on the NSW central coast. Over 250m2 of solid French Oak flooring graces this architectural marvel. Collaborating with Construct Central Coast builders and homeowners, Skandi achieved a natural, low sheen look using Bona finishes. The residence boasts oak staircases, balustrades, and vaulted ceilings, all complementing the luminous sheen of the oak.

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The Perils Of Concrete Stairs – A Technical Article From ATFA

In ATFA Timber Floors Magazine Issue 39, Phil Buckley from Mint Floors & Shutters unravels the challenges of timber installations over concrete stairs. The article underscores the intricacies of adhering to compliant riser heights, making informed material choices, and addressing levelling requirements. By emphasising the need for clear communication and understanding, Phil offers valuable insights for achieving impeccable finishes and managing client expectations.

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Creaking Joints – A Technical Article from ATFA

Discover the nuances of timber flooring in Phil Buckley’s ‘Creaking Joints’ article from ATFA Timber Floors Magazine Issue 51. Learn about the challenges posed by creaking end joints, the discrepancies in Australian Standards, and groundbreaking solutions like PVA adhesive application. Enhance your understanding and achieve impeccable flooring installations.

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Brighton Project – A Project Profile from ATFA

Explore the Brighton Project, highlighting Mrboards’ excellence in parquetry flooring and custom finishes. With over 30 years in the flooring realm, Mrboards partners with esteemed interior designers and builders, introducing innovative sanding techniques and distinctive finishes. Unravel the intricacies of rectifying a previously installed Oak parquetry floor and the art of harmonizing timber with marble.

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Engineered Parquetry

Delve into the world of Engineered Parquetry with Phil Buckley’s insights in ATFA Magazine Issue 45. Witness the fusion of engineered floor stability with classic herringbone or chevron designs. As engineered parquetry gains traction, discover the evolving materials, installation techniques, and the timeless appeal of parquetry floors. Embrace the art of creating sophisticated and durable flooring solutions.

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A Floor to Remember

Join Troy Abbott on a memorable flooring journey in ATFA Magazine Issue 44. From attending an Advanced school in Indiana, USA, to crafting a unique floor in New Jersey, Troy shares his experiences and collaborations with industry experts. Learn about the intricate process of finishing end grain marquetry, hand scrapping techniques, and the honor of winning a National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) Flooring Award.

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